Cybersecurity and Data Protection

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and the FTC Safeguards Rule set high expectations for data privacy and security. This topic covers everything from Privacy Policies to Data Security Plans and the overall topic of cybersecurity. You can finish this course with all the information you need to write your required documents.


The treatment of farming taxes is unique. We cover all topics inclusive of unique federal grants, depreciation and income averaging. Whether a small vegetable farm or a thousand-acre cattle ranch, we cover it all in this course.


Whether corporate, personal or short-term rentals, understanding how to properly manage expenses, repairs and depreciation are key to properly managing rental taxes. This course ensures you understand the basics on all things rental.

Personal 1040 Topics

Do you or your employees need a refresher on the Standard Personal 1040 tax forms? The last several years have brought around many changes on the personal income tax side – this topic helps keep you up-to-date.

Ethics & Due Diligence

The details and nuances of Circular 230 can get very complex – are you sure you are properly complying with the requirements? More so, are you complying with all the expectations of due diligence. In this topic, we cover all of those needs and ensure you stay compliant.

Cryptocurrency, NFT's, and Digital Assets

We work through topics including basic explanations of digital events and how they impact tax returns all the way through complex situations for crypto miners and NFT minters.

Education Expenses and Deductions

Education can be expensive - whether for daycare, private school, or higher education. There are so many opportunities to leverage education expense through 529 plans, tax credits, and even small business deductions. We love covering all the nuances.

Entity Selection

LLC, Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, S Corp, C Corp! There are so many opportunities for types of business entities and those choices have huge impacts on taxation and how a business operates. We work through all of the details and how we can guide a client to better understand the impact.

Small Business Taxes

Nothing is more simple and complex than working with small business owners. We discuss setting up, reporting, and managing small business taxes. We will include some unique deductions that are typically missed.

The Gig Economy

There are so many unique income sources from online gambling to brand ambassadors and content creators. Online sources tell them they can practically write off everything but we will cover the legitimate expenses and how to help these taxpayers reduce their overall tax burden.

Dependent Management

Dependent management is not as simple as it may seem - claim-ability, relationships, adoption, tie-breaker rules, and more. Clients have a hard time understanding the details and we will go over all of the information we need to collect in order to make informed decisions.

Custom Topics

Don’t see a topic listed? Or interested in a unique mix of topics or discussion needs? Please just let us know and we can custom design the perfect education course or package for your needs.